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Educational Technology
Our Educational technology program (EduTech-p) is a combined use of all IT infrastructure like computer hardware, software, robotics, coding and educational theory and practice to facilitate learning.
Our EducTech program also creates, uses, and manages technological
processes and educational resources to help improve user academic performance.
The field has been described as a persisting initiative that seeks to bring
learners, teacher, and technical means together in an effective way.
Who is it for?
Our EduTech program is aimed at Elementary, Primary, Secondary schools and Universities/Polytechnics, who wants to innovate fundamentally into education with the use of our technology. We cover everything, so even if you don’t have facilities, our provision will help to quickly integrate technology into your classroom.
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Elementary/Secondary school
Elementary technology use not only helps young students learn the skills required to operate the newest devices and latest software, but also allows them to research and solve problems in a collaborative and cooperative manner with their peers. Also, Effective tech integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging student-centred project-based learning.
The project is aimed at providing the necessary trainings and environment that encourages and embraces technology in your institution. It is designed to provide life-long benefits to the students independently where participating students from various departments will be experts in their various fields upon graduation also giving a better score card while placing your institution in a better position in the educational map of excellence.

Learn from the very best
Join our course and start building the most wanted career available today. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s hi-tech industry.